Monjazat E-Marketing Corporation

Monjazat is a trademark registered under the name of Injazat E-Marketing Est. It is a leading Saudi digital platform in the field of construction. It aims for digital transformation and service to beneficiaries by linking contractors, real estate developers, engineering offices, factories, suppliers, retail stores, logistical services to each other and to the final consumer and providing them with technical services.

Our message

We seek to integrate the world of technology into the building and construction sector,
and develop the platform and application with high specifications to contribute
to changing the future of construction and facilitate the conduct of construction and marketing operations in it.


Reliability: We strive to be a reliable platform in Takween
Trust: We seek to gain corporate activities through the quality of services provided through the platform.complete and achieve satisfaction.
Leadership: We are working to provide diverse and comprehensive digital services for everything related to construction and contracting.
Excellence: We excel in continuously providing new services and filling gaps in the construction and operations sector.

Our vision

Pioneering in providing innovative technical solutions to link the contracting field with the beneficiary, and linking all the needs of this sector

Send & Receive
direct requests.

Manage quotation requests
Professional project presentations.

Send and receive offers Introducing
the establishment.

Easily display products and services
And professionalism and digital
marketing for your facility.